Our Services
WMSHL is a full service, one-stop provider to meet all your healthcare linen needs. Our extensive catalog offers products for hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities – including specialties like surgical and hyperbaric linen. We also provide linen management and system review services to make sure your operation always has the high quality linens it needs, and is utilizing them as efficiently as possible.
New Product In-Services
Stay up to date on the latest products on the market while making sure you always have the linens to meet your facility needs
Linen Awareness
Laundry site in-services creating an environment of awareness and education, extending learning opportunities to partners through Linen Awareness Days and regular site visit
Quality Control
We assure our linens meet all the quality standards for both general and surgical linen, and review our standards regularly to improve service, quality, and cost
Client Reporting
Monthly scorecard and benchmark reporting based on key performance indicators to ensure best practices across all of our members
System Review
Individualized on-site system reviews designed to find cost saving and quality improvement opportunities for your facility
Site Visits
Regular site visits for linen system analysis and education for best practices and new products
Laundry Services for Hospitals and Clinics
WMSHL Service Benefits
Linen Utilization
Help reduce overall linen usage, loss, and cost
Bed Change Policies
Par Level Management
Linen Management Software
Superior Quality Products
Hygienically clean healthcare textiles
Satisfaction Surveys
Regular Site Visits
Reject Linen Program
Exceptional Customer Service
Combined 60 Years of Laundry Experience in Customer Service
24/7 Emergency Support HotlineĀ
Dedicated Customer Relations Management
On Time Delivery Guarantee