Our Services

WMSHL is a full service, one-stop provider to meet all your healthcare linen needs. Our extensive catalog offers products for hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities – including specialties like surgical and hyperbaric linen. We also provide linen management and system review services to make sure your operation always has the high quality linens it needs, and is utilizing them as efficiently as possible.

New Product In-Services

Stay up to date on the latest products on the market while making sure you always have the linens to meet your facility needs

Linen Awareness

Laundry site in-services creating an environment of awareness and education, extending learning opportunities to partners through Linen Awareness Days and regular site visit

Quality Control

We assure our linens meet all the quality standards for both general and surgical linen, and review our standards regularly to improve service, quality, and cost

Client Reporting

Monthly scorecard and benchmark reporting based on key performance indicators to ensure best practices across all of our members

System Review

Individualized on-site system reviews designed to find cost saving and quality improvement opportunities for your facility

Site Visits

Regular site visits for linen system analysis and education for best practices and new products

Laundry Services for Hospitals and Clinics

Linen Purchasing

WMSHL has multiple suppliers of our linen. The selections of items are made by staff from the laundry and the Linen Utilization committee with advisement from the vendors. The laundry is responsible for replacement of the linen.

Linen Processing

Linen Processing: Along with our chemical company, Ecolab, WMSHL will continue to meet the quality requirements of our members. Wash chemistry is monitored by a chemical representative in addition to our staff.

Linen Purchasing

WMSHL has multiple suppliers of our linen. The selections of items are made by staff from the laundry and the Linen Utilization committee with advisement from the vendors. The laundry is responsible for replacement of the linen.

Linen Processing

Linen Processing: Along with our chemical company, Ecolab, WMSHL will continue to meet the quality requirements of our members. Wash chemistry is monitored by a chemical representative in addition to our staff.

Linen Specifications

Our linen committee, which is made up of key individuals from each member facility, is the governing body for linen specifications. The specifications of linen are reviewed regularly to improve service, cost, and quality.

Linen Inventory

WMSHL will make sure that quantities are available to deal with changes in linen needs at member facilities. Any items that are not included in our standard linen file can be processed through WMSHL.

Linen Specifications

Our linen committee, which is made up of key individuals from each member facility, is the governing body for linen specifications. The specifications of linen are reviewed regularly to improve service, cost, and quality.

Linen Inventory

WMSHL will make sure that quantities are available to deal with changes in linen needs at member facilities. Any items that are not included in our standard linen file can be processed through WMSHL.

Linen Purchasing

WMSHL has multiple suppliers of our linen. The selections of items are made by staff from the laundry and the Linen Utilization committee with advisement from the vendors. The laundry is responsible for replacement of the linen.

Linen Processing

Linen Processing: Along with our chemical company, Ecolab, WMSHL will continue to meet the quality requirements of our members. Wash chemistry is monitored by a chemical representative in addition to our staff.

Linen Specifications

Our linen committee, which is made up of key individuals from each member facility, is the governing body for linen specifications. The specifications of linen are reviewed regularly to improve service, cost, and quality.

Linen Inventory

WMSHL will make sure that quantities are available to deal with changes in linen needs at member facilities. Any items that are not included in our standard linen file can be processed through WMSHL.

Linen Purchasing

WMSHL has multiple suppliers of our linen. The selections of items are made by staff from the laundry and the Linen Utilization committee with advisement from the vendors. The laundry is responsible for replacement of the linen.

Linen Processing

Linen Processing: Along with our chemical company, Ecolab, WMSHL will continue to meet the quality requirements of our members. Wash chemistry is monitored by a chemical representative in addition to our staff.

Linen Specifications

Our linen committee, which is made up of key individuals from each member facility, is the governing body for linen specifications. The specifications of linen are reviewed regularly to improve service, cost, and quality.

Linen Inventory

WMSHL will make sure that quantities are available to deal with changes in linen needs at member facilities. Any items that are not included in our standard linen file can be processed through WMSHL.

WMSHL Service Benefits

Linen Utilization

Help reduce overall linen usage, loss, and cost

Bed Change Policies
Par Level Management
Linen Management Software

Superior Quality Products

Hygienically clean healthcare textiles

Satisfaction Surveys
Regular Site Visits
Reject Linen Program

Exceptional Customer Service

Combined 60 Years of Laundry Experience in Customer Service

24/7 Emergency Support HotlineĀ 
Dedicated Customer Relations Management
On Time Delivery Guarantee

Hospital Laundry done Right

We understand that you and your staff are dedicated to constantly improving patient care. We share that dedication. We also know that each and every one of your patients will come in contact with the linen we provide. The linens are not only a reflection of us, more importantly they are a reflection on you, your facility, and your staff. We strive to provide you with linen of which we can all be proud.

We feel we are the most reliable and cost effective option available in our area of operation. We offer superior administrative, reporting, and innovative technology to ensure that the highest quality. You will have access to a dedicated laundry and linen management team that is committed to surpassing your needs and expectations.

Linen Management Value Adds

We believe linen education, analysis, and regular reporting are just as important to your facility as the linens it needs to function. When you partner with WMSHL you get more than just laundry service – you get an extensive linen management system to help your facility operate as efficiently and cost-effective as possible. Below are some of the linen management value adds you get when you become a WMSHL member:

  • Linen System Analysis
  • Linen Awareness Day
  • Regular Site Visits
  • Monthly Scorecard Reporting
  • Benchmark/ Best Practice Reporting
  • Trach Audits
  • Internal Distribution
  • Distribution Staffing Analysis
  • Management of Inventory and Par Levels
  • Reject Linen Program
  • On Site In-services
  • Linen Committee and Utilization Group
  • Par System Aids
  • Inventory Control Aids

Linen Management Value Adds

We believe linen education, analysis, and regular reporting are just as important to your facility as the linens it needs to function. When you partner with WMSHL you get more than just laundry service – you get an extensive linen management system to help your facility operate as efficiently and cost-effective as possible. Below are some of the linen management value adds you get when you become a WMSHL member:

  • Linen System Analysis
  • Linen Awareness Day
  • Regular Site Visits
  • Monthly Scorecard Reporting
  • Benchmark/ Best Practice Reporting
  • Trach Audits
  • Internal Distribution
  • Distribution Staffing Analysis
  • Management of Inventory and Par Levels
  • Reject Linen Program
  • On Site In-services
  • Linen Committee and Utilization Group
  • Par System Aids
  • Inventory Control Aids

Hospital Laundry done Right

We understand that you and your staff are dedicated to constantly improving patient care. We share that dedication. We also know that each and every one of your patients will come in contact with the linen we provide. The linens are not only a reflection of us, more importantly they are a reflection on you, your facility, and your staff. We strive to provide you with linen of which we can all be proud.

We feel we are the most reliable and cost effective option available in our area of operation. We offer superior administrative, reporting, and innovative technology to ensure that the highest quality. You will have access to a dedicated laundry and linen management team that is committed to surpassing your needs and expectations.